Unit Overview
In Mosa Mack’s Genetics vs. Environment unit, students are led through a progression of three inquiry lessons that focus on how both environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms.
- Lesson 1
Solve: Sea Turtle Hatchling + Identical Twin Mystery
Choose to solve a live video mystery exploring why 90% of sea turtle hatchling are being born female, or solve an animated mystery to discover how identical twins can be so different, despite having inherited the same genes. By the end of the Solve, students will be able to communicate understanding that traits are influenced by both genetics and environment. (Live Solve: 45-90 minutes; Animated Solve: 45-75 minutes).
- Lesson 2
Make: Debate: Is it Nature or Nurture?
Students engage in one of the greatest scientific debates of all time: nature vs. nurture. Drawing on a wealth of evidence, students make a case for whether environmental or genetic factors have more impact on the growth of all organisms. Through debate, they learn that it is not one or the other, but both that influence organisms. (140 mins)
- Lesson 3
Engineer: Engineer a Solution to an Environmental Issue that Impacts Genetics
After solidifying the idea that both environmental and genetic factors affect growth, students turn to the arena that they can control: environment. Students design a solution to the issue of inequitable access to nutrition for children around the globe. First, students identify a community that has the genetics for healthy growth but is in need of some crucial environmental factors. They then offer a plan to help children in that region get the nutrient or vitamin they may be lacking. (200 mins)