In Mosa Mack’s Earth’s Spheres unit, students are led through a progression of three inquiry lessons that focus on the interaction of Earth’s spheres.
- Lesson 1
Lesson 1: The Solve
Students work together to complete a Earth’s Spheres Vocabulary Mind Map before helping JoJo and Felix solve the mystery of how Earth’s spheres are connected. By the end of The Solve, students discover that an event that occurs in one sphere does not exist in isolation since Earth’s spheres interact in a variety of ways. (75 mins)
- Lesson 2
Lesson 2: The Lab
Students travel to four stations to explore pesticides, coal mining, coral reefs, and landfills in order to determine how the event/activity impacts one or more of Earth’s spheres. Following the station exploration, students will design an infographic to show the interaction of Earth’s spheres at their favorite station. (130–155 mins)
- Lesson 3
Lesson 3: The Engineer
Students take a deep dive into the hydrosphere by observing a demonstration and graphing the amount of freshwater and saltwater. They then develop and design two models device capable of containing and cleaning an oil spill and complete a challenge. (220 mins)