Unit Overview
In Mosa Mack's Matter and Its Interactions unit, students progress through three inquiry-based lessons that focus on defining matter, understanding the states of matter, exploring physical properties and chemical changes.
- Lesson 1
Get to the Bottom of a Toy's Matter Scam
Students work together to complete a Matter and Its Interactions Vocabulary Mind Map before helping Felix and JoJo solve the mystery of the missing Ralf - the world's first slime bot. By the end of The Solve, students will discover that it's not magic causing Ralf Snax to turn into slime - but a simple chemical reaction. (40-75 mins)
- Lesson 2
Identify Mystery Substances
Students determine which mystery matter they have received from a Mars mission by executing multiple physical properties tests. Over the course of multiple days, students will investigate the following physical properties; color, electrical conductivity, magnetism and solubility. They will use evidence from their investigations to support their findings. (200 minutes)
- Lesson 3
Separate Matter
Students will work to separate a mixture and use physical properties to identify each component of the mixture. (250 mins)