In Mosa Mack’s Electricity unit, students are led through a progression of three inquiry lessons that focus on the theory of electrical current, a comparison of conductive vs. nonconductive liquids, and the relationship between electricity and magnetism.
- Lesson 1
Solve: Light Balance + Electricity Mystery
Choose to solve either a live video mystery exploring how electrical energy is used to make performer costumes light up, or solve an animated mystery to discover how electricity is produced and used to light a bulb. By the end of The Solve, students discover how open circuits and closed circuits change the flow of electrical currents. (Live Solve: 45-90 minutes; Animated Solve: 45-75 minutes).
- Lesson 2
Make: Compare Electric Currents in Fresh Water and Salt Water
After going through an investigation and planning process, students draw a visual model that compares the flow of electric current through fresh water and a salt water solution. Learners draw a conclusion about the ideal solution to brightly light a bulb. (180 mins)
- Lesson 2
Lab Extension: Explore Properties of Magnetism and Electromagnetism
After learning how Light Balance incorporates electricity into their performance, students explore magnetic and electromagnetic interactions to design a more "attractive" performance. (80-100 minutes)